


ISO 6916-2:2024 - Flexible cellular polymeric materials — Sponge and expanded cellular rubber products — Part 2: Specification for mouldings and extrusions
- This document classifies flexible cellular rubber products known as sponge and expanded rubber. The base material used in their manufacture may be natural rubber, reclaimed rubber, synthetic...
ISO 5600:2024 - Rubber — Determination of adhesion to rigid materials using conical shaped parts
- This document specifies a method for the determination of the static vulcanized adhesion strength of rubber compounds to rigid materials. The test piece is composed of two conical ends of the...
ISO 7965-1:2024 - Packaging — Drop test — Part 1: Paper sacks
- This document specifies a method of vertical impact testing on a filled paper sack by dropping. It is performed either as a single test to investigate the effects of vertical impact or as part...
ISO 4437-3:2024 - Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels — Polyethylene (PE) — Part 3: Fittings
- This document specifies the characteristics of fusion fittings made from polyethylene (PE) as well as of mechanical fittings for piping systems in the field of the supply of gaseous...
ISO 182-3:2023 - Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 3: Conductometric method
- This document specifies a method for the determination of the thermal stability at elevated temperature of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers (in the...
ISO/ASTM 52939:2023 - Additive manufacturing for construction — Qualification principles — Structural and infrastructure elements
- This document specifies quality assurance requirements for additive construction (AC) concerning building and construction projects in which additive manufacturing techniques are used for...